Supporting educator growth and achievement for more than 165 years

Online Resources

Reassuring Students in Times of Anxiety.  Presented by Lisa Hayward and Irv Richardson, March 22, 2021. Click in title to view on YouTube.


Current Library of Online Materials:


Explore options to continue your education and advance your career through our partnership with VESi. Earn up to three courses, or nine credits, per year as an NEA-NH member. You will not believe the price!


You are also invited to take over 175 NEA Micro-credentials, available online to members, to complete at your convenience for no additional cost!

It’s Time to Change Direction: A Keynote Address by Former Chief Justice of the NH

Supreme Court at the NEA-New Hampshire Fall Instructional Conference, Bow High School, Bow, New Hampshire October 7, 2016.

As the keynote speaker at the NEA-NH Fall Instructional Conference in 2016, John T. Broderick, Jr. discusses the Change Direction New Hampshire non-political, nonpartisan mental health awareness campaign that he co-chairs with Peter Evers, CEO of Riverbend Community Mental Health and Dr. Bill Gunn, Chair of Behavioral Health at Concord Hospital.

Watch Video

NEA: ESSA Implementation Begins

Many resources and articles regarding implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

NEA’s Great Public Schools Program

Retirement Seminar and Recorded Webinar [Members Only]

Recorded March 25, 2015, Posted March 30, 2015

We all hope for a well-deserved retirement with financial security.  NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits are pleased to present seminars to help you plan and prepare.

Resources Available: Webinar File

Teacher Support and Evaluation Webinar [Members Only]

Recorded January 28, 2015.

Webinar provides information about the guidelines surrounding teacher support and evaluation in New Hampshire.

Resources Available: Webinar File

New Restraint and Seclusion Law Webinar [2014, Members Only]

NEA-NH Staff Attorneys will explain the new law and address the impact it can have on New Hampshire’s educators and students.

Resources Available:  Webinar File, PowerPoint slides, Staff Attorney write-up on the new law.

Legislative Common Core Workshop Materials [2014]

Sample lessons in Language Arts and Mathematics along with Common Sense Common Core Talking Points.

Resources Available: PowerPoint Presentations, Common Core Standards, Common Core Talking Points