View the Events Calendar
Summer Leadership Week is open for registration!
We hope you will join us for robust and invigorating union training, at NEA-NH’s Summer Leadership Week, August 5-9, 2024, FREE of cost and for MEMBERS ONLY! Leaders in these roles: Negotiator, Building Rep, Treasurer, Membership Chair, and Grievance Chair are strongly encouraged to attend the classes specific to your role. And leadership strengthening skills are available to all our members. You can also learn about school funding, communicating your education story, and electing pro-education school board members! And so much more. Classes are a la carte, so you can come for one class or attend all week! Please share the web link with your fellow union members. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, July 24.
Ongoing Opportunities
Gathering to Nurture Your Personal Resilience
The focus of the gathering will be exploring the 12 habits and 12 dispositions of resilient educators. Help build community and personal strength. You will receive a complimentary copy of Elena Aguilar’s book, Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators. You do not have to read the book to attend the meetings!
All members are welcome to come explore strategies for nurturing their personal resilience and to support other educators on the second Wednesday of each month (except February’s meeting is on a Thursday) at 7PM on Zoom.
If you are interested in attending this informal gathering, please register in advance.
PRINTABLE FLYER WITH ALL DATES: Cultivating Your Personal Resilience 23-24
Explore NEA Micro Credentials
You’re invited to explore and complete over 175 NEA Micro-credentials, available online for individual members or member cohorts, at your convenience for no additional cost! A micro-credential is a short, competency-based recognition. NEA offers over 175 micro-credentials (topics, also called stacks) created by educators for educators. Most take 10-15 hours to complete, within six months, and have a wealth of resources you can use in schools every day. This is a great way to take your professional development into your own hands and learn the things YOU need, to help you thrive in your career.
Or print this Microcredentials_Flyer_2024
Resource Center
NEA-NH Professional Developing Lending Library
We host a professional library of books and films on education and mental health topics that you can borrow for two weeks at a time.
Contact Ally Snyder for details.
Virtual Vendor Hall Bringing Our Trusted Partners to You
Visit our Virtual Vendor Hall to see offerings and services provided by our trusted vendors and partners.
Mental Health Resources for NEA-NH Members
Feel like you’re at the end of your rope and your grip is slipping? You’re stressed, exhausted and may need some support or someone to talk to other than your spouse or colleagues who are equally spent.
You have numerous resources available at your fingertips providing help for your mental health.